Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bad Day

I think your side is wrong!!
Some days things just don't go that well. But the worst of it is you now have to explain it to the boss! Oh well, you probably didn't like that job anyway.
The country boy

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Graduation Time

In 1969 man walked on the moon for the first time, and I graduated High School. To this day I am not sure which was the greater feat!
The country boy

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Houses of the past

As you travel along country roads you see these houses of the past slowly falling to the ground. Time, modern technology, and changes in lifestyles, have signed the death warrant on these old homes. Years ago the south was made up of small farms and each farm had a house. Today farms are large and the houses are not needed. These houses tell a story not only about our history but the families who lived there. If only walls could talk we could hear the stories. But most of the stories are lost and now so are the houses!
The country boy

Friday, May 6, 2011

2011 Floods

Mississippi River Flood Waters
Heavy rains and high flood waters have hit out area of the country. Many houses with flood water inside them and thousands of acres of farm ground under water. The Mississippi River is at record levels and still rising. It is time for farmers to plant corn and cotton but it is much too wet! Late crops mean lower yeilds so food will most likely go up in price. High gas and food prices hurt working families. It seems like working families never win!
The country boy

"Time Flies" Old Trucks Don't

"Time Flies"  Old Trucks Don't
Time is our enemy!